Nick Chen
Personal Real Estate Corporation

RE/MAX Crest Realty
3215 Macdonald Street
Vancouver, British Columbia
V6L 2N2

© Nick Chen PREC. All Rights Reserved.

Order your next meal blind

Blind dining – the art of eating in the dark

What do you do when all the world becomes dark? You go to a blind restaurant. If you don’t know where one is, lucky for you, we can tell you where to find one. Dark Table offers you a truly unique experience in a restaurant of complete darkness.

I bet you’ve never tried eating with your eyes closed or in complete darkness. You might think that it shouldn’t be too hard, but honestly, you’ll be surprised. You’re probably thinking that eating blind with a fork or spoon shouldn’t be that hard, right? You might be surprised.

What makes Dark Table special

Not only are you getting a completely different experience than what you’re probably more familiar with, to top it off, at Dark Table, you’re actually served by, well, the blind.

Dark Table offers guests a surprise starter. But don’t worry! Just let the staff know of your dietary restrictions and they’ll cater to your needs or preferences.

Can you imagine sitting in a room where you can’t see anything. You have no idea who could be sitting at the table next to you. You don’t even know exactly what you’ll be served. The idea of it is intriguing. Will it enhance your sense of taste? Who knows, the flavor of the food may turn out to be a magical explosion in your mouth.

Blind Dining in your neighbourhood

We already know your next question. Where is this fascinating restaurant located? That’s a great question. Thankfully, it’s right in our great neighbourhood of Kitsilano. You’ll find Dark Table at 2611 W4th Avenue.

Lights OFF

No light producing technologies are allowed in the dining area at all. This means you need to keep your phones off at all times in the dining area, and if your watch can light up, you might be asked to take it off and store it in your pocket. The restaurant wants to truly give their customers a dark experience, so please observe their rules.

How did blind eating become a thing?

The idea of blind dining originated in Switzerland. Jorge Spielmann, a blind man, wanted to share the experience of what it’s like to eat for a blind person with his guests. We can only imagine the trust these guests had in their host to allow him to blindfold them as he served them their meals.

At Dark Table, you probably won’t be asked to put on blindfold.  We can’t wait to hear about what you think of this adventurous experience.

Would you give this fine dining experience a try?


Nick Chen
Personal Real Estate Corporation

RE/MAX Crest Realty
3215 Macdonald Street
Vancouver, British Columbia
V6L 2N2

© Nick Chen PREC. All Rights Reserved.

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